Sounds inevitable and controllable and changes came. An abandoned and former pasture of different big farm animals is now designed and developed into its finest craft. A combination of man-made and natural beauty captivates and catches the eye of every person even someone’s riding along the highway beside of it. The people of this town are also lucky due to the leisure moment provides and which brings a thankful feelings to the bona-fide citizens who were having different privileges enjoying of and in return is addressing to the responsible government officials who led and this recreational place was made possible. The town plaza of Bansud.
Bansud is an ideal place for a quiet unwinding, discover, visit and trace its path into its humble past. Loosen up in its amiable beaches or be at peace with natural sorrounds that cater to the simplicity of its people life.
It’s proven that the Bansud town plaza is incomparable because its not only the people of Bansud themselves captivates in this place yet the other people from neighboring towns.
The breeze of cool air provides elimination of stress and depression while staring and glancing the momentum ambiance.
The town plaza of Bansud does not only for recreational purposes but it’s also for culminating activities.During town fiesta, town anniversary and a lot more. It serves as an ideal place to conduct or to launch the different important town related activities.
The main attraction of the town of Bansud is the newly established Municipal Park and plaza. Its components are the children’s playground, open amphitheater and the life-size monument of the Philippine National Hero, Dr. Jose Rizal, dubbed as “RIZAL” the intellectual. The imposing Bansud New Municipal Hall Building and the prominent flagpoles harmoniously served as background of the municipal hall.